Just like the likes of Olayinka Herbert Macaulay and Owelle Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe fought for liberation and independence from colonial rule, this community secures Social and Economic liberation and a stable quality of life for all Nigerians.
Lead by King Ifeanyichiukwu Oruruo, VISION 1960 is a community of like minded Nigerians and Global Partners who are committed to a Nigeria that works for the greatest possible volume of our people.

Agricultural Communes
We are building a safe, useful and profitable
communities for small, medium and large scale farmers, allowing resource
sharing, including farm tools and machinery,
marketing tools, security, and excellent infrastructure, while maintaining individual ownership of
plots and products. LEARN MORE.

Rural Clinics Network
We are deploying clinics across all rural communities in Nigeria, offering reliable, safe and affordable health care to our people. Networked with Health Centers, Regional Medical Centers and in a research Institute, our platforms make owing a rural clinic a profitable venture. LEARN MORE.

Transport Hubs
We are building a national transport network for interstate transportation that beats global standards. It allows individual ownership of vehicles and brands while sharing buildings, maintenance infrastructure, security architecture and financial borrowing capacity. LEARN MORE.

Advanced Medical Complexes
A limited franchise of 9 Regional Medical Complexes across Nigeria, offering the most advanced medical services in all specialties of medicine. Sustainability is driven by its ability to proprietary soak up the patients created by the gaps of services in our network of Clinics and Health Centers. LEARN MORE.

Sports League
A special purpose corporation setup as a private governance body to develop the principles and schematics for sporting leagues across all sports, build stadiums, develop and franchise teams and ensure alliances with organizations home and abroad to ensure broad acceptance for our programs. LEARN MORE.

Ceramics, Glass and Metal Works
A massive factory dedicated to the production of Ceramics, Glass wares and the recycle of metals into cast works. The corporation takes advantage of the gaps in the local products of Sanitary wares and automotive components to create a power house, backward integrating capacity. LEARN MORE.

Auto/Machine City
An ecosystem for the Manufacturing of Automobiles, Locomotives, Engines, Machines and their components. Driven by multiple independent brand and artisan participants with access to shared procurement, processing of raw materials and inputs, road transport, rail and sea access. LEARN MORE.

Coal City
Encompasses the entire value chain of coal, its resources, bye products and technologies, including the development of Coal fired power plants, use techniques, research institutions, transport technologies and everything needed to developed and sustain the general coal industry. LEARN MORE.

Textile City
Ecosystem for the redevelopment, sustenance and economic industrialization of Textile, clothing and related products and services. The development of raw inputs, processed, branded and synthetic products, institutions, trading platforms, technologies etc. LEARN MORE.

Institute of Engineering
A revolution for higher education in Nigeria, it is an institute of Engineering and Related Studies that will be the best engineering education environment in the world, dedicated to raising Leaders, Innovators and Entrepreneurs in Engineering. LEARN MORE.

Resort Brand
A revolution for African Hospitality, we are redefining what is the ideal for resort and leisure developments in Nigeria and African both in scale and quality but also in the expressions of organic culture in our fittings, amenities, games, manpower and systems. LEARN MORE.

Integrated Diary Farm
A revolution for Agriculture, it will single-handedly provide 20% of the nutrition in Nigeria using large scale modular integrated farms, processing facilities, branded products in a most intricate corporation that straddles anything that you can think of in the area of food. LEARN MORE.

Excellence Awards
Our awards program is designed to eschew excellence in the society by rewarding in finance, celebration and opportunities all those who make outstanding contributions to the nation across all spectra of life. It is designed to reward so outlandishly as to inspire. LEARN MORE.

Cultural Festivals
Across the country we are sponsoring, developing and supporting cultural initiative lead by clan scale festivals to encourage the appreciation of our culture and people and the elevation of organic evolution of arts, crafts, culture and national character. LEARN MORE.

Character Index
This platform databases and gives recorded credits for the positive contributions each member of the community makes in the society and values it as a tangible asset that can be used to redeem deficits of achieve concessions, in our projects and the general community. LEARN MORE.